What’s the point of social media?

Busy Beaver Illustration

Recently I’ve been pondering how, and why, we use social media as an organisation. What is its purpose? Why do we use it? How does it serve us and others? How does it advance the gospel? How does it serve Christ? Truth be told, there is so much to think about, and we’ve not got […]

The joy of looking up


How often do you look up? No, this isn’t (just) a spiritual question, it’s exactly as it seems. How often do you look up each day? When you’re outside going about your business, how often do you raise your eyes heavenward and see what’s going on above your head? I ask, because when we don’t […]

Why do we create? Part 3


In our last entry we considered the effect of sin on our motivation for creating. This time we think about how and why we can create as Christians in the light of Christ’s salvation. I’m sure we all know this quote from Colossians 3: ‘whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all […]

Why refresh the graphic design and creative of your church?

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The website’s worked just fine for the past 15 years, why do we need to update it? Why do we need a logo? Why do we need to be on social media? And so on. These are just some of the questions we’ve heard asked as an agency when discussing new design, but I’m sure […]