What’s the point of social media?

Recently I’ve been pondering how, and why, we use social media as an organisation. What is its purpose? Why do we use it? How does it serve us and others? How does it advance the gospel? How does it serve Christ? Truth be told, there is so much to think about, and we’ve not got […]
The Edomites

A relationship with Israel explained through Infographics Welcome to the second of our resources that attempts to give an overview of the nation of Edom and their relationship with Israel. While it’s only a fairly simple guide, we hope it’s helpful in giving you a greater understanding of the Edomites place in biblical history, and […]
West Coast Gospel Partnership

The West Coast Gospel Partnership (WCGP) is a network of gospel-centred churches in Southwest Scotland committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. We created them a cohesive brand identity from the ground up. Although WCGP is a relatively new organisation, it needed a strong and unified visual presence to effectively launch its mission. We developed a […]
How to design a logo: a brief guide

Do you like the idea of designing your own logo but don’t know where to start? Well you’re in luck! In this post we offer a brief outline of how to go about making your own logo, whether for yourself, your church or something else entirely. 1. Think about the message When getting started on […]
Why We Exist: The Heart of Pomegranate 7

In this post, we want to share the story behind Pomegranate 7, a Christian design agency born out of a passion to serve the church. We’ll delve deeper than our About Us page, sharing our beginnings and the motivations that drive us. A Seed Planted at Cornhill Back in early 2017, as I was finishing […]
We’re back, with exciting news!

We’ve been busy recently beavering away on a variety of fun projects, so haven’t been around on here or the socials for a while. However, we’re back baby, with more content than ever before, all designed to help you improve your church media, grow in your knowledge of God’s word, and sometimes, just for the […]
The joy of looking up

How often do you look up? No, this isn’t (just) a spiritual question, it’s exactly as it seems. How often do you look up each day? When you’re outside going about your business, how often do you raise your eyes heavenward and see what’s going on above your head? I ask, because when we don’t […]
Judging books by their cover

I’m sure I’m not the first person to have written on this, but I’ve recently found myself wondering, ‘Why are so many Christian book covers terrible?’ Now this isn’t written to shame anyone or slag any particular books off, and it’s not my intention to cause offence but to genuinely consider why so little thought […]
Church of Impact

Following a period of prayerful reflection and the appointment of a new pastoral team, Greenbank Community Church embarked on a renewed mission to share the gospel with their local community. This revitalized focus necessitated a complete rebrand to better communicate their vision. We partnered with the church to craft a bold, dynamic brand identity that […]
The Gospel and Star Wars

I love Star Wars. There, I’ve said it. While I appreciate that it’s more acceptable to be a geek these days, I still feel a slight tinge of shame when I admit that. Still, I’ve said it now, it’s out in the open so let’s just move on. ‘What’s this got to do with the […]